Email Security Gateway
Being safe in dialogue with all your contacts
Secure digital communication is important to the Rottenburg-Stuttgart Diocese. That’s why our efforts to protect data and information are not only restricted to our salaried staff. The Email Security Gateway was created to make the communication with voluntary staff in parishes and other institutions and with partners from different fields more secure as well.
On this page we explain the functions and tasks of the Email Security Gateway and how you can use them profitably for your own purposes. Below you can see different tabs where we’ve summarised the information and explanations for voluntary and salaried staff. Here, you’ll also find a specific area regarding an explanatory video. This shows you the registration procedure and gives information on the different functions of the Email Security Gateway.
Since 14.05.2018, the Email Security Gateway has provided the two delivery modes “secure” and “insecure” for sending emails. The emails are processed in the “secure” delivery mode as a default setting – that means, without the sender having to do anything.
However, the sender can also select the “insecure” delivery mode for individual emails. The unprotected data is then transferred directly to the email recipient. For this delivery mode, you need to bear in mind that the text of the email and the attachments must not contain any data worthy of protection. In the video section you’ll find two short presentations on how you can use the “insecure” delivery mode.
If you still have any questions despite the wealth of information available, please feel free to contact the sensus contact box team. They’ll research the right answers for you.
The Email Security Gateway was launched on May 14, 2018, and enables communication with voluntary staff in the parishes and other institutions that complies with data protection regulations. The same applies to contacts outside the parochial structures.
Staff at the diocese with email addresses can find information on the system’s introduction process. We also provide you with a sample letter to use to inform both voluntary staff in parishes and institutions and also other people.
So that information can be exchanged securely between salaried and voluntary staff and between partners outside the diocesan structures by digital means, the Email Security Gateway (ESG) was launched on May 14, 2018. The word gateway is another word for portal. The Email Security Gateway therefore represents a kind of transfer point for emails.
The IT department set up email addresses for salaried staff who did not apply for a email address by May 13, 2018, and assigned them internally. Since May 14, 2018, emails received at this address have been forwarded to the address that has been recorded in the systems for you so far. This applies to all staff at the diocese.
This arrangement applies for a restricted period until December 31, 2019. The fundamental goal is to equip all pastoral staff with a pastoral IT workstation. The diocese provides grants for this purpose. Due to the transition period, the necessary acquisitions may be purchased by the institution responsible or by the central departments.
Please note that when using other email addresses, you bear the responsibility for complying with the data protection regulations yourself as a matter of principle.
If you wish to communicate using the email addresses before May 13, 2018, go to to find solutions which can be used so that this is also possible using private devices, for example. This information portal also contains the corresponding application forms for applying for your personal email address.
We’re also available via the sensus contact box if you have any questions.
Tips for sending emails

Here you will find an information sheet listing criteria for the decision about whether an email can and should be sent securely or insecurely. This is supplemented by everyday examples.