The decision of the diocese management
Support with digital communication
To be able to understand people and protect their data, it’s necessary to have the appropriate parameters with regard to digital communication. In their sphere of responsibility, therefore, the diocese management has decided to develop communication that complies with data privacy regulations.
You can find the decision in: Kirchliches Amtsblatt 14 of 15.11.2017, p. 460, Rottenburg, 20.10.2017, Vicar General Dr. Clemens Stroppel.
You can download the corresponding extract from the Kirchliches Amtsblatt here
The following decisions were made:
- The use of email addresses will be made obligatory for all diocesan institutions and the pastoral staff of the diocese.
- A way will be created for data protection compliant communication with email addresses by means of an "Email Security Gateway".
- For the pastoral staff, the costs of mobile access to emails and diaries will be paid for.
- The use of security compliant hardware by the pastoral staff will be supported by their being granted exemption from costs for the necessary security software and receiving an allowance for notebook purchases.
- Virtual workstations can be created for certain areas.
- Staff are to receive more information regarding the issue of data protection.
Please note: Those who decide to receive an allowance to buy a notebook cannot set up a virtual workstation at the same time, and vice versa.
What's important to know is that the programme for developing data protection compliant communication will run until 2021. The material expenses will be borne by the institutions or central departments responsible. The allowance will be paid once the selected device has been checked to see if it meets drsStandards.
Go here for more information on allowances for notebooks
To provide you with further information, we have also created a link to the publication of the new Church Data Protection Act in Kirchliches Amtsblatt No. 4-2018 (pp. 69-96).
Publication of the new Church Data Protection Act in Kirchliches Amtsblatt No. 4-2018